Handcrafted CSS

Presented by Dan Cederholm

Seemingly non-obvious details can often separate good web design from great web design. You might not appreciate the quality of a well-designed website until you start using it, looking under the hood, putting it through tests, etc. Dan will share some of these details that matter most. By encouraging “progressive enrichment” to utilize advanced CSS and CSS3 properties that work in browsers today, to reevaluating past methods and best practices. This talk will show how craftsmanship can be applied to flexible, bulletproof, highly efficient and adaptable interfaces that make up a solid user experience.

About Dan

Dan Cederholm

A recognised expert in the field of standards-based web design, Dan is the founder of design studio Simplebits, co-creator of show-and-tell community Dribbble and author of best-selling books Bulletproof Web Design, Web Standards Solutions and Handcrafted CSS.